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BioScan is a scanning system that helps to check the organs and their functions and understand whether there is a problem. It helps to control the imbalances via EDS, that is electrodermal screening. This new procedure offers accurate testing results.

Briefly, it can be said that Bioscan examines one’s body functions and gives information about a person’s wellness degree.

Also, it can be possible to take quick actions before the diagnosis determination phase and this is one of the most important factors in using this method.

Prior to your scan, please send me the following information. This information never leaves my personal device, it will only be used to set up a profile on the AO Scan Technology program to perform the scans.

• Full Name
• Email
• Gender
• Weight
• Height
• Date of Birth
• Picture of yourself- your face only, blank background, please remove hats/glasses (think driver’s license photo).


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